1、对于一般投资者而言,重要的不是去每天关注新闻,把握市场动态,试图“Timing the market”。 最重要的是尽可能延长自己的“Time in the market”的时间,要看到早投资、长期投资比择时更重要。 2、举几个例子,告诉你长期在市场里的重要性把。1.S&P500长牛了60年。下面是它的K线图。如果你不是一个长期投...
作者: Time in the market matters, not timing the market. 重要的是在市场里的时间,而不是进入市场的时间。 全部讨论 It's time in the markets,not timing the markets. 佛青汤臣 2017-06-21 22:55 句子好似不符合语法
作者: “It's time in the market, not timing the market“ 1. 最近有朋友在恰当的时间做了一笔投资,回头看,我们可能会称赞其timing选得好。而实际深究下来,他能做相应的决策是因为: - 在投资对象上有足够多的关注和理解; - 关注投资对象的长期的价值。 这两点对应了time in the market. 2. 时间是所有...
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Alternatively, you could also show a popup once a visitor reaches a specific stage of the funnel. In the B2B market, this could be the last step before conversion. For example: In such a situation, you could display yourwebsite pop up messageto entice more visitors to progress to the fin...
It is about time in the market and not timing the marketLisa Pallavi Barbora
Movements in the mortgage market The economic environment also caused movements in the mortgage market with swap rates, which are used to price the mortgage rates, rising. Some lenders, including MPowered Mortgages hiked deals, blaming the rise in swap rates, while Santander removed its market-...
How long do you wait for an undervalued stock to recover? In the analyze out loud video, I will expand on covering the amount of time necessary for a stock...
During the height of the pandemic, normal seasonal patterns all but disappeared from the housing market. There was so much demand for homes that any time was a good time to sell. But now that the market has settled back into a more normal cadence, timing is once again becoming an ...
作者: time in the market is much more important than timing the market 又在一位基金经理口中听到了“尊重市场的反馈,应对比预测更重要” 我就是喜欢这样面对市场谦逊,不头铁的基金经理 全部讨论 取决于期望别人出高价买走自己手里的股票来赚钱还是期望公司未来赚更多钱来赚钱。这位基金经理大概是前者,也没...