Intermediate-band photometry of Uranus in the reflected solar continuum at 5508 and 7529 A and in the methane bands at 6190 and 7261 A has been analyzed for variations related to the rotation of the planet. No periodic variations were detected at a level of 0.003 mag, but a 1% increase in...
When the ancient had ended, Zeus Allwise for a time turned over his infinite wisdom in thoughtful silence, and gave rein to his mind; one after another the meditations of that creative brain revolved before him; and at last Kronides addressed his divine voice to Aion (Time), and revealed...
While Uranus is usually portrayed as a generally featureless blue ball, when seen using radio telescopes, the pole reveals a swirling cyclone. “These observations tell us a lot more about the story of Uranus. It’s a much more dynamic world than you might think,” said lead author Alex Ak...
The yearning for Uranus: A far-out world with a tale to tell See more latest ► 2 Comments Comment from the forums jrgert Good article. However, the New York images are duplicates - same date, same timestamp. Reply Raoul "Real time"??? Really. I thought it might be fake ...
Herschel’s first major discoveries were to show that Mars and Jupiter exhibit axial rotation(绕轴自转). Herschel struck fame in 1781,when on March 13th he discovered the planet Uranus(天王星) while engaged in work aimed at determining stellar parallax(恒星视差).This being the first new planet...
CycleTimer settings for below cycle: Geocentric; Delta = 360; Orb = 0; Synodic Moon and Sun. 3/21/2020-Based on page 55 of Cowan'sPentagonal Time Cycle Theory. Cowan showed that Saturn-Uranus cycles repeat in the same zodiacal locations (plus one 30 degree sign) every 90 years. These...
What makes Uranus spin about its axis in a reverse direction to Earth’s Why there exists Sun charged particles at the night side of Mars Upsurge in big earthquakes predicted for 2018 as Earth rotation slows Earth Magnetic Field- redefined source, reexamined influence ...