This is implemented in lab-on-a-chip optical manipulation of biological cells28 and can facilitate applications in holographic optogenetic stimulation29, micro-materials processing in hard-to-reach areas30, structured light generation for MCF amplifier31, and high-dimensional optical and quantum ...
So she said; but fear seized them all, and none of them uttered a word. But great Kronos (Cronus) the wily took courage and answered his dear mother : ‘Mother, I will undertake to do this deed, for I reverence not our father of evil name, for he first thought of doing shameful ...
Northern Irish actor Jamie Dornan rose to international fame with his steamy role as Christian Grey in the Fifty Shades of Grey film series. However, Dornan's talents reach far beyond the romance genre, as evidenced by his chilling performance in the TV series The Fall and his dramati...
jump record to reach Sol within forty-two hours. Tolwyn had embraced the challenge. The Concordia would soon reach Pluto, then bound toward the bluish, ringed dot of Neptune. "Are you all right, sir?" Tolwyn did not look back at Bellegarde. The man's concern, while sincere, had become...
First and foremost, I thank Prof Ellen Hertz of the University of Neuchâtel, who has been an inspiration to me since my time as an MA student, for her always nuanced and constructive comments and for keeping me on track. I am vii viii Acknowledgements particularly grateful to PD Dr Ueli...
Whether the lander and its rover, Pragyan, wake up remains to be seen. Their solar panels are oriented to receive light at the next sunrise, expected on Sept. 22, according to the space agency. "Hoping for a successful awakening for another set of assignments,"ISRO said. "Else, it will...
On October 7th, 2021Venusleaves Scorpio andenters Sagittarius. This transition from Scorpio to Venus is the transition from digging a whole in the ground, to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Venus in Scorpio has been an excellent opportunity to work with our feelings at a more su...
Time to panic! Pluto Rocket by Paul Gilligan technically has a subtitle – New in Town –that makes it sound less like a song. But “Pluto Rocket” itself is a perfect Muse song. Plus, the graphic novel for young readers is all about an alien! This alien happens to be very friendly ...
Each of the 45 spots in the 1D array is transformed to a particular HG mode through the 14 phase planes of the MPLC device for both polarisation components. In this way, both Cartesian indices (m,n) of the HG basis set can be addressed by steering light along the 1D array using the...
The difference, Siegler said, is that spectral reflectance data has to be corrected for the temperature of the object to figure out how much water is in it. Otherwise, heat from the moon's surface could change or mask the reflected light features. But it’s hard to know the precise ...