Find the Fajr time, Dhuhr prayer time, Asr namaz time, Maghrib salah time, and Isha times for all cities in Georgia. Customize prayer times with different calculation methods and juristic options. Access Georgia city-specific prayer times, Qibla direction, and comprehensive guidance for your ...
Today Accurate Prayer Timings of Bahrain, detail Salah schedule & timetable. Find the Fajr time, Dhuhr prayer time, Asr namaz time, Maghrib salah time, and Isha times for all cities in Bahrain. Customize prayer times with different calculation methods and juristic options. Access Bahrain city-...
Quick links About Salat time in all countries Tags Islam, Muslim, Coran, Holy Quran, Quran, Qoran, Salah, Salat, Salawat, Fajr, Shorook, Chourouk, Dhuhr, Zuhr, Asr, 3asr, Maghrib, Magrib, Moghrib, Isha, Isha'a, Prayer, Pray, Du'a, Doua, Sufi, Sajjada, Tajwid, Tajouid, Madih...