高中英语外研版必修二unit 3 A game for the world课文精讲 爱学英语的Vivian 9 0 高中英语外研版必修二unit 1 A child of two cuisines课文精讲 爱学英语的Vivian 1857 1 高中英语外研版必修一unit6 Longji Rice Terraces 课文精讲 爱学英语的Vivian 616 0 高中英语外研版选修三unit 2 Life behind th...
Byline: ANDR PAINETHE NEW Dr Who has consigned the character's famous scarf to a TV black hole.In his first interview about the revived BBC1 science fiction drama, Christopher Eccleston hinted that he would have a new look, maybe even a love interest, and said the new series should "...
1、Time for a Change?Time for a 1. What Spring Festival traditions do the pictures show?2. Do you know any other Spring Festival traditions?Developing ideas1. What Spring Festival tradit let off fireworks clean the house pay a New Year visit paste the character “fu” to the door paste ...
1、Time for a Change?1.WhatSpringFestivaltraditionsdothepicturesshow?2.DoyouknowanyotherSpringFestivaltraditions?Developing ideasletofffireworkscleanthehousepayaNewYearvisitpastethecharacter“fu”tothedoorpasteSpringFestivalcoupletshangredlanternsgotothetemplefairgiveandreceivearedenvelopewatchaliondance 2、 Afamil...
1、1Time for a ChangeTime for a ChangeBe it ever so humble , there is no place like home. 2How many types of houses do you know?What consists of a typical house/apartment? outside Exercise: Apartment Hunting I inside P&N adjectives to describe houses and apartment grammar: enough, ...
Unit 3 Time for a Change 完整最新ppt 1 1. Word Power • Discuss your ideal home in pairs. • Think about these items: • location • size • view • facilities • features. • eg.: I'd like a really big house next to the sea. I'd like to have three bedrooms and....
分享我最近听的一堂课--外研版新教材必修二第二单元Developing ideas:Time for a change.与君共勉,授课视频和课件链接见文末,分享旨在一起学习,侵删。 PART01 教师介绍 PART02 教材文本 PART03 教学过程 读前活动:Guess the w...
剑桥国际英语教程-2-Unit-3-Time-for-a-Change.ppt,Interchange 2 Unit 3 Time for a Change 1. Word Power Discuss your ideal home in pairs. Think about these items: location size view facilities features. eg.: Id like a really big house next to the sea. Id li
Time for a Change (P20-21) Unit 2 Developing ideas P20-21.mp3 Social Insights A family dinner is an important tradition to celebrate Spring Festival. Nowadays, some people choose to have the dinner in a restaurant, but not everyone is keen on this idea. What do our readers think? Dear ...
Time for a Change Be it ever so humble , there is no place like home. Today’s topic How many types of houses do you know? What consists of a typical house/apartment? outside Exercise: Apartment Hunting I inside P&N adjectives to describe houses and apartment grammar: enough, too, as...