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Present Continuous Form: Be+ V+ ing For planned event or for definite intention, the present continuous may indicate future time. The use of the present continuous is common with a future time expression like tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. Present Continuous Statements: T...
simplest guide with full code and examples python regular expressions tutorial and examples: a simplified guide requests in python tutorial – how to send http requests in python? simulated annealing algorithm explained from scratch setup python environment for ml numpy.median() – how to compute ...
Let us find the expressions from the numerator and denominator of formula (6.49). (6.50)∫E−ρ(dx)∫E+F¯y(t)P(x,dy)=ρ0∫0∞F¯2(x) Φ¯1(x,t)dx=ρ0∫t∞F¯2(x)dxF¯1(t)+∫0tF¯2(x)dxF¯1(t)++∫otF¯2(x)dx∫0t−xf1(x+y)G¯2(...
ESL, English vocabulary, printable worksheets,teaching time and time expressions in English, daily routines
-(Pointtothewordsandexpressions)Let’sreadthemtogether.(Studentsreadafterme)Now,canyouusethesewordsinsentences?Forexample,"WecelebrateHalloweenbycarvingpumpkins." 4.**情景对话(15分钟)** -Now,let’spracticeusingthesewordsinadialogue.Iwillgiveyouascenario:Youareplanningapartyforafestival.Whatwillyoudo?Plea...
please read 1a ,work in groups to find the useful 1 (Group work ) expressions. T:Have you found out yet ? Ss: Yes . T: Group Three ,speak out ,please. Group Three: S1: at this time ,last night, T: Well done. Do you have just so-so,... more ? Ss: No. Let the...
test - a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge; "when the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions" exam, examination communicating, communication - the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information; "they could not act without ...
( time permitting , options :check the exercises of reading on page 101 discuss the tips of other adventure travels) Period 3 : Reading Integrating skills and writing Step 1 revision [reading ( useful expressions) ] T :yesterday , we have got the general idea of the reading part , who ca...
TIMEis flying... flying... It never stops flying... We often mention it and are frequently puzzled when it comes to choosing "the right tense" to use... Thus, we often forget that there are words and expressions to be known. We'll insist on this point in the present lesson. ...