analysis of time series 【经】 时间序列分析 time series analysis 时间序列分析,时序分析 compile time analysis 【计】 编译时分析 相似单词 event n. 1.事情,(尤指)大事, 事件 2.(体育运动的)比赛项目 analysis n. 1.[U,C]分析(对事物的各个部分及其相互关系的研究) 2.[C]分析结果的报告 3....
1. 事件史分析 我们进一步应用「事件史分析(Time-to-event analysis)」的概念,尝试理解不同移动行为的感染者在地理扩散型态的差异, …|基于3个网页 2. 事件发生时间分析 应用事件发生时间分析(Time-To-Event Analysis)描述时间和浓度依赖的二分类反应数据Mathew During(美国耶鲁大学): "…...
Computer science Real-time Event Analysis in Online Social Networks UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT BOULDER Dirk Grunwald GuHansuOnline social networks(OSNs) enable real-time event discussion. Due to the word-of-mouth effect, popular events are disseminated exponentially in a short period of time. With ...
(of patency or of failure) as a function of time. Thisis helpful in providing a good idea of the overallexperience of the group but one is also able to readthe probability of the occurrence of the event for anyfollow-up time of interest directly from the graph,such as the 6-month or...
Time-to-event analysis 下载积分:1998 内容提示: B Y THE N UMBERSBy the Numbers458 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY VOLUME 55, NO. 3, 2002between them and the actual failures. Then, eachtime a stent fails, one computes the proportion ofpatients who did not have a stent failure by thattime, among...
Time to event (e.g., death or hospitalization) is a typical outcome of interest in medical research. It is not uncommon to see researchers use all-cause mortality as event of interest, consequently, treating various causes of death the same way. Standard methods are applied to analyze such ...
Time-to-event data–Jump to Reference 当控制组的风险率较低时,jump to reference 使得退出治疗的受试者不再生存获益反而结果恢复到对照组(安慰剂组)风险,如上图,当治疗 B 是比治疗 A 更高剂量时,可能会发生这种情况,随机分配到治疗 B 的患者由于毒性增加而不得不停止治疗,因此他们的剂量和危害会下降到参考...
Intervention analysis:Studies how an event can change the data. Segmentation:Splits the data into segments to show the underlying properties of the source information. Data classification Further, time series data can be classified into two main categories: ...
Here we show time-to-event analysis is a more powerful method for analysis of rod-intercept time data in measuring dark adaptation. For example, at 80% power (at α = 0.05) sample sizes were estimated to be 20 and 61 with uncapped (uncensored) and capped (censored) data using a ...
Intervention analysis:Studies how an event can change the data. Segmentation:Splits the data into segments to show the underlying properties of the source information. Data classification Further, time series data can be classified into two main categories: ...