Time Entanglement and the SupernaturalDean Radinsynochronicity
Kotoko Aihara, a clumsy high school girl with a crush on the brilliant Naoki Irie, finds herself living with his family after an earthquake, leading to unexpected romantic entanglements and a unique love story filled with humor and heart as Naoki gradually notices Kotoko's unwavering spirit. 71...
, a traveling merchant, and Holo, a harvest goddess in the form of a wolf-girl. Over multiple trade negotiations and journeys across medieval landscapes, their mutual respect develops into deep affection, peppered with enlightening economic discourse, supernatural elements and romantic entanglements....
Taking the John Hughes template of well-to-do high-schoolers engaged in heartfelt romantic entanglements and adding a heavy dash of real-world emotional depth, Say Anything marked the directorial debut of former Rolling Stone journalist Cameron Crowe. Cusack plays one of teen moviedom’s ...
Taking the John Hughes template of well-to-do high-schoolers engaged in heartfelt romantic entanglements and adding a heavy dash of real-world emotional depth, Say Anything marked the directorial debut of former Rolling Stone journalist Cameron Crowe. Cusack plays one of teen moviedom’s ...
s almost entirely set within the ultra-artificial confines of a Brussels shopping mall and backdropped by the post-war dispersal of Europe’s remaining Jewry (because this is still a Chantal Akerman film, after all), “Golden Eighties” chronicles the romantic entanglements of regular people as...
Twisted obsession, supernatural apparitions, love, violence and vengeance abound in this novel as bleak and beautiful as the Yorkshire moors it’s set against. Read this one with a pencil in hand, because you’ll be underlining its gorgeous prose. But be warned: This is not one for light ...
1. EntanglementbyBryan Walpert(Mākaro Press) Walpert is best known as a poet: earlier this year Otago University Press published his collectionBrass Band to Follow. (Read Sophie van Waardenberg’s reviewhere.) He’s also the author of short fiction and a novella. This first novel reveals ...
The ensuing whirlwind of emotions, romantic entanglements, and infectious song and dance numbers offer an entertaining exploration of love, family, and female empowerment. Above all, the film celebrates the strength of single mothers who adapt and thrive in the face of life's unexpected challenges...
Plot: Takeru Ohyama enrolls in a school that, unknown to him, integrates combat magic, and everyone possesses a magical item called Maken. With his own unique Maken, he must navigate duels and romantic entanglements with the school's female students. Fan Service Elements: The series includes...