Time Dependent Model For D-/sup 3/ He Fusion Ignition and Burning in a TokamakNo abstractSugiyama, L.E.Institute of Electric and Electronic EngineerPlasma Science, 1991.: 1991 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 1991., 1991
A time-dependent model was developed and solved numerically to study a purely buoyant downward flame spread over a thermally thin solid fuel in various gravity environments. According to the specified burn-out solid density and no retained ash, the flame propagation behavior over a thin solid fuel...
Therefore, we can perform numerical simulation of the discharge in the metal-halide lamp which is drived by an ac current using a time-dependent model instead of a steady state model in a reasonable computing time. 展开 会议名称: Proceedings of the Ninth international symposium on the science ...
W. Shen, Traveling waves in time dependent bistable media, Differential Integral Equations 19 (3) Google Scholar [40] W. Shen Traveling waves in time almost-periodic structures governed by bistable nonlinearities, 1. Stability and uniqueness J. Differential Equations, 159 (1999), pp. 1-55 Googl...
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Time to ignition (TTI) refers to the time from the start of exposure to the time at which sustained flaming has occurred (flames are supported on the surface of the specimen for at least 5 s). This parameter is known to be strongly dependent on the external heat flux and the thermal tr...
An adsorption model to predict the time-dependent removal efficiency of methyl iodide by a triethylene-diamine-impregnated charcoal bed under various operating conditions is proposed. The mass transfer controlling step is pore diffusion. Under humid conditions, the reduction of equilibrium adsorption capaci...
Like all magic users, the power of the Elementals is entirely dependent on the elasticity of Earth's dimension. For example, Evergreen, who lived millions of years in the past, is capable of constructing an entire castle from ice, whereas the Fire Elemental of the pre-war era struggles to...
We discuss a recent model that uses time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) to eliminate these approximations in both the calculation of the electron stopping power and corresponding MFP in conduction zone polystyrene (CH) plasma. In general, the TD-DFT calculations showed a larger MFP ...
are estimated. Point-by-point analysis of droplet profile enables time-dependent estimations given a limited number of data points. This means that the model does not need the entire evolution profile of a droplet to make an estimation. Instead, only a few (or even a single) data points are...