The first π→π* transition in a number of cyanine dyes was studied using both time dependent and time independent density functional methods using a coupled cluster (CC2) method as the benchmark scheme. On the basis of 10 different functionals, it was concluded that adiabatic time dependent ...
Evaluation of Time-Independent and Time-Dependent Strains of Lead-Free Solder by Stepped Ramp Loading Test This paper proposes a method which can estimate essential material constants of an elasto-plastic-creep constitutive model for lead-free solders by conducting only a tensile test. The test empl...
A wave function possessing both space and time variables could be written = (x,y,z) The two Schödinger equations are time independent: time dependent: The same WF can be used for both. If it contains time, the stationary state equation’s operator (which involves partial derivatives...
(and) about time (too)|(and) not before time 早该发生;早该如此used to say that sth should have happened before now against time 争分夺秒;抢时间if you do sthagainst time, you do it as fast as you can because you do not have much time ...
These instruments measure gender via items that stereotype masculine and feminine characteristics, whilst gender roles are a broader concept largely dependent on time and place (Choi et al., 2008; Hoffman and Borders, 2001; Pedhazur; Tetenbaum, 1979). Possibly due to these difficulties, most ...
In male mice, however, reproductive development is independent from body growth. Both sexes employed fundamentally different energy allocation strategies during peripubertal development. Some of these sex differences were gonad-dependent, while others were not. The time spent foraging while exposed to ...
For a model including covariates with time-dependent effects and/or time-dependent covariates, the original definition of C would require the prediction of individual failure times, which is not generally addressed in most clinical applications. Here we propose a time-dependent discrimination index Ctd...
Im also using parameteric sweep to repeat the simulation for couple of frequncies. Also, Im running simulation for 2D problem using Time dependent and simplify the model as simple as possible for just one unit cell, but after one day it was progressoed for 7%. To capture the contact I ...
and time field, you should open each business rule, workflow, calculated field, and rollup field dependent on the field that you changed, review the information, and save it, to ensure that the latest date and time field’s behavior and value are used. You can restrict modifying t...
(and) about time (too)|(and) not before time 早该发生;早该如此used to say that sth should have happened before now against time 争分夺秒;抢时间if you do sthagainst time, you do it as fast as you can because you do not have much time ...