身为一个射频从业人员,频谱分析仪与RF工程师的关系就跟外送小哥与电瓶车一样,达到人车一体的境界,就跟硬体工程师另外一个小老婆是示波器(Oscilloscope),RF射频工程师的女朋友就是频谱分析仪。 实验室两大基础仪表示波器Oscilloscope与频谱分析仪Spectrum Analyzer的差异,好像一个X轴是时间另外一个是频率,看画面在那里...
Because the time constant of activation depends on voltage, this good voltage control during the early part of the response to a step change from a hyperpolarized holding potential is responsible for the absence of large changes in activation kinetics. This is not the case for deactivation. In ...
When connected to a constant signal, a scope block may plot a single point. The scope shows gaps in the display when the signal value isNaN. When you visualize multiple frame-based signals in the scope, some samples of signals with a frame size of 1 might not be displayed. To visualize...
After building the project, connect the function generator and oscilloscope to the DSK board. Then, run the program. It is observed that the ISR does not meet real-time deadlines due to the extra processing required by the function otherProcessing ( ). In other words, the ISR misses input ...
For stubborn problems, or just for funsies, there’s also time-domain reflectometry, which can be done with a pulse generator and an oscilloscope to characterize impedance discontinuities in the cable. We’ve covered simple TDR measurement techniques before, but [FesZ] showed a neat trick called...
Deliverables Part I 1. Using the output from the digital oscilloscope find the time constant, τ. 来自 Citeseer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 12 作者: LN Ta 摘要: 2. From τ and capacitance, C, calculate the resistance, R, for the variable resistor....
To display the variations of a signal with respect to time on an oscilloscope, a voltage that varies linearly with time, has to be applied to the deflection plates. This makes the signal to sweep the beam horizontally across the screen. Hence the voltage is called asSweep Voltage. The Time...
Everything is shown perfectly on the oscilloscope. My goal is to maintain a constant charging current. To maintain the current, I have taken feedback using an INA225EVM as shown in image attached (Shunt = 1 mOhm, INA225 gain set to 200.) The ammeter shows 2 amperes drawn by the ...
The deflection of charged particles is an intuitive way to visualize an electromagnetic oscillation of coherent light. Here, we present a real-time ultrafast oscilloscope for time-frozen visualization of a terahertz (THz) optical wave by probing light-dr
The transmittance of the dust cloud was recorded as a function of time using an oscilloscope (Agilent DSO7054A). 3. Methods The time-synchronized measurement of the free electron density in the plasma and laser light extinction by the dust cloud can be used to determine the dust particle ...