We consider an uncertain version of the scheduling problem to sequence set of jobs J on a single machine with minimizing the weighted total flow time, provided that processing time of a job can take on any real value from the given closed interval. It is assumed that job processing time is...
resolve job sequencing problem with a deadline (JSD) needs exponential time O( \\( n^{2} \\) ), where sorting algorithm [O( \\( nlog\\left( n ight) \\) )-(Merge Sort)] must have to use to sort all the jobs in decreasing order of their profit and it is a greedy technique...
Theoretical or Mathematical/ computational complexityminimisationproduction control/ job assignmenttime framestotal tardiness minimizationsequencing problempaced-flowline managementproduction linesknapsack constraintsstrong NP-hardnessThis paper deals with a sequencing problem arising in the management of paced-flowlines...
The current study addresses the problem of scheduling in dynamic assembly job-shops (i.e. shops that manufacture multi-level jobs) with the consideration of jobs having different earliness, tardiness and holding costs. An attempt is made in this paper to present dispatching rules by incorporating ...
Low-complexity algorithms for sequencing jobs with a fixed number of job-classes In this paper we consider the problem of scheduling n jobs such that makespan is minimized. It is assumed that the jobs can be divided into K job-classes a... JAAVD Veen,S Zhang - 《Computers & Operations ...
Proposing a new workflow scheduling algorithm, which achieves the best scheduling using a new utility function. The continuation of the paper is as follows: In the second section, related work is presented. In the third section, the scheduling management system architecture is presented and in the...
Accepted06 March 2024 Published04 April 2024 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-024-01121-1 Keywords Flow shop Job-dependent storage requirement Computational complexity Polynomial time algorithmAssociated Content Part of a collection: S.I. : New Challenges in Combinatorial Optimization Access this art...
The high diversity and complexity of the eukaryotic transcriptome make it difficult to effectively detect specific transcripts of interest. Current targeted RNA sequencing methods often require complex pre-sequencing enrichment steps, which can compromise the comprehensive characterization of the entire transcri...
The optimal resource allocation is obtained for any arbitrary job sequence. The computational complexity of the general problem remains an open question, but we present and analyze some special cases that are solvable by using polynomial time algorithms. An exact dynamic programming algorithm for small...
Minimizing the number of late jobs when the start time of the machine is variable Oper. Res. Lett. (2012) BakerK.R. Introduction to Sequencing and Scheduling (1974) GafarovE.R. et al. A modification of dynamic programming algorithms to reduce the running time or/and complexity (2010) ...