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N. Edmonds, T. Hoefler, A. Lumsdaine A space-efficient parallel algorithm for computing betweenness centrality in distributed memory 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing (2010), pp. 1-10 Google Scholar [18] A. Elmasry The Subset Partial Order: Computing and Combinatorics ANAL...
the order of difficulty of [an] algorithm .. is theoretically important. It cannot be rigged by making the algorithm artificially difficult for smaller sizes", Jack Edmonds, "Paths, Trees, and Flowers", 1963::: {.quote } Max Newman: It is all very well to say that a machine could .....
It cannot be rigged by making the algorithm artificially difficult for smaller sizes", Jack Edmonds, "Paths, Trees, and Flowers", 1963"The computational complexity of a sequence is to be measured by how fast a multitape Turing machine can print out the terms of the sequence. This particular...
Another issue with their approach is that, to reduce the computational complexity, they introduce the concept of stations instead of providing door-to-door service, thereby reducing the number of graph nodes to be considered. Thus, passengers are expected to walk from their origin to the nearest...