The size of the dictionary, and therefore its resolution, is a key parameter that handles the tradeoff between sparsity and tractability. This work proposes the use of a non adaptive random sequence of subdictionaries in a greedy decomposition process, thus browsing a larger dictionary space in a...
computational complexitysearch treehashingbounded ordered dictionariesbounded priority queuestime bound/ C4240 Programming and algorithm theory C6120 File organisationIn this paper we show how to implement bounded ordered dictionaries, also called bounded priority queues, in O(log log N) time per ...
big_o inferred that the asymptotic behavior of the find_max function is linear, and returns an object containing the fitted coefficients for the complexity class. The second return argument, others, contains a dictionary of all fitted classes with the residuals from the fit as keys: ...
Although IEEE 1588 does not provide timing accuracy as compared to IRIG-B, but it reduces the complexity of timing infrastructure [48]. The IEEE 1588 also known as Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is a protocol used for time distribution over local area networks particularly based on Ethernet. ...
I had to implement some data structures for my computational geometry class. Deciding whether to implement the data structures myself or using the build-in classes turned out to be a hard decision, as the runtime complexity information is located at the method itself, if present at all. So ...
// This is most probably deprecated code and is causing unnecessary complexity. // Can be removed. // Cache lookup. Currently we only cache single-output nodes, // to keep memory overhead impact in check. Hence we only look in cache ...
based on the conditioning on the number of substitutions in the first cluster. However, in our opinion, there are some inconsistencies in the derivations of these formulas broadly discussed in the Additional file 1. Dreszer et al. do not provide any estimates of the complexity of their method...
represent. Of course, for some identifiers, they need to compile to an AST node that represents searching for the value at run time; for example, the identifier could resolve to a module member added at runtime or to a late-bound value supplied by a host via the m...
Applications that implement privilege separation may not do so correctly and could possibly jeopardize the system more with the added complexity. The best way to manage SUID and SGID applications is to not have any of them; however, this is not a realistic goal because the base installation of...
We observe that in Lemma 2.1 the nτ-factor in the time complexity is due to matching X in the sampled suffix tree STi by passing the string τ times, each time with a different choice of j∈[1,τ], j≠i. Each such pass costs us O(nlognτ) time. The idea is to reduce th...