When time has this meaning, you can use words like first or last in front of it. It was the first time she spoke. When was the last time I saw you? Expressions such as the first time and the next time are often adverbial phrases. The next time he would offer to pay. The second...
Feifei Well, don’t run before you can walk. So, do lots of walking and then a little bit of running. Rob Hmm… And after that? Feifei The next stage is to run a bit further and then walk a little. Set yourself a goal...
Time will tell if what we have done here today was right. the right occasion or opportunity: to watch one's time. each occasion of a recurring action or event: to do a thing five times; It's the pitcher's time at bat. times,used as a multiplicative word in phrasal combinations expre...
Classics can stand the test of time. Read the excerpts below from twofamous works of literature and discuss the following questions in pairs.经典著作能经受住时间的考验。阅读下面两篇文学名著中的节选,两人一组讨论下列问题。My meaning simply is, that whatever I have tried to do in life,I have...
This kind of scheme can also realize the demand, but compared with the writing of the time wheel, it is better to judge. Operate the show, the speed is fast, force the grid to be high. One last word Okay, I saw it here. Reposting, watching, and liking can be arranged at will. ...
And it might be very necessary to tell time under any of these conditions. Time Telling through the Ages | Harry Chase Brearley Nobody can tell time by a Turkish clock, but there was some comfort in watching it. The Ship Dwellers | Albert Bigelow Paine "Look out, Jerry, or you'll mak...
Nota bene: by “the meaning of life,” I don’t mean the solution to the puzzle of existence. That remained as remote as the rules of Monopoly are to the cat who dozes on the Monopoly board. I mean that I succeeded in grasping, conceptually but clearly, the essential elements of a ...
When tell has this meaning, you usually use can, could, or be able to with it. 5. 'inform' Inform means the same as tell, but it is more formal, and is used in slightly different ways. You can inform someone of something, or inform someone that something is the case. The public ...
②Make the students know the meaning of ‘almost bigger than the goal’ according to show them a picture. 4.Look and guess. Show Pictures 2-4, Ask the students to look at pictures and try to tell the reasons...
When the minute is over ten, 分(fēn)usually can be omitted in spoken Chinese. 半点HALF HOURS When you want to say “half past the hour”, use the word 半 (bàn) – meaning “half” – after the time on the hour. PATTERN