Based on the preceding sections it is clear that RT can provide insight into the functional integrity of various neural processes. Also, because it is a reasonably easy to obtain metric, the task variations can be tailored to identify and assess particular functional deficiencies in different clinic...
42 Second, home-based care was not universally perceived as saving time relative to receiving the same care in a clinic. A patient described how in a clinic they had more clarity to show up at a specific time, vs waiting for home care staff. As health systems and payers push care into...
Only cognitive remediation, based on the same paradigm as post-stroke rehabilitation, sometimes allows partial improvement in the medium to long term. Creating links and interacting with colleagues therefore requires intense physical and mental effort. Considering these merits and efforts (Pirson, 2019)...
At screening, eligible couples consented to join the study and complete baseline (T1) assessments prior to randomization, which was carried out using a web-based system hosted by an external clinical trials unit. After randomization, intervention group couples were invited to attend the next ...
In this study of participants from community-based cohorts, lifetime risk estimates (to age 95 years) for total CVD exceeded 60% for men and 55% for women overall. Risks for total CVD appear substantially greater in individuals with greater risk factor burden; however lifetime risk still excee...
In general, RDCs can be seen as one of the most reliable NMR-based probes of relative molecular orientation. As such, and albeit the remaining limitation in spectral quality and accuracy (Extended Data Fig. 4j, k), the observed effects on cluster selection appear significant. c) Overlay of ...
1). Based on the injury and OA codes, we defined those with: knee injury (‘knee injury’), no knee injury, and no knee OA (‘non-injured controls’). For some analyses, we also defined knee OA, excluding cases of prior knee injury (‘iOA’). Download: Download high-res image (...
In the last few years, tubulin-targeting photoswitches based on different scaffolds have been synthesized, for some of which we also obtained structures19,20. To demonstrate the use of a photochemical affinity switch for time-resolved crystallography, we chose azo-CA4 as a prominent photopharmacologi...
Treatment time-specific number needed to treat estimates for tissue plasminogen activator therapy in acute stroke based on shifts over the entire range of the modified Rankin Scale. Stroke. 2009;40(6):2079-2084. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.108.540708PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 6. Saver JL, ...
Racial equity in renal transplantation: the disparate impact of HLA-based allocation. JAMA. 1993;270(11):1352-1356. doi:10.1001/jama.1993.03510110092038ArticlePubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 13. Kappel DF, Whitlock ME, Parks-Thomas TD, Hong BA, Freedman BK. Increasing African...