The concept of spatiotemporal correlation, initially rooted in the domain of physics, has increasingly become of interest to scholars across various fields. This burgeoning interest is especially noted within the realm of human dynamics, where the examin
The project is placed in the field of Digital Humanities, meaning that digital tools and general guidelines for editing and analysing primary sources play a central role. Script – the written manifestation of language – is key to most analyses of medieval language and literature as well as ...
The meaning of 'virtual' is not different from that of the term, 'virtual' which is discussed in Gilles Deleuze's Difference and Repetition, Logic of Sense and others. In other words, the virtual world in SF film is not in the state of being realized. However, the fantastical nonsense ...
In this essay Ivan Callus provides some reflections on literature in the present. He considers the tenability of the post-literary label and looks at works that might be posited as having some degree of countertextual affinity. The essay, while not setting itself up as a creative piece, deli...
Bergen, Benjamin. 2012.Louder than Words: The New of Science of How the Mind Makes Meaning. New York: Basic Books. Google Scholar Bergson, Henry. 1896.Matière et Mémoire. Paris: Alcan. Google Scholar Bolens, Guillemette. 2012.The Style of Gestures: Embodiment and Cognition in Literary Narr...
They were, in short, utterly individual. Verdi’s age coincided with the height of Austro-Germanic rationalist dominance in philosophy, literature, and music, but he did without such glorious guiding principles. A quick guide to Verdi's Requiem We named Verdi one of the greatest Italian ...
电影时间和空间,结构(Film,timeandspace,structure) 13assumptiontheassumptionofamovietimeandtimeinthe tense,canbedividedintothreetypes:1,now(ShunXu)2,the past3(flashback),thefuture(preSyria)isusedinthe imagination,illusion,dreams,anddreamsofthefuture.Two ...
Accessing the meaning of space and time in late medieval religious thinking will provide a new way of viewing forms of cultural and religious changes that arose out of discourse constellations, social proximity (as in the Universities of Erfurt and Paris), social mobility, and media distribu- ...
In contrast to this body of literature, the issue of space has so far mostly been researched by carceral geographers. Inspired by Foucault's (1975) work, some studies deal with the prison as a particular institution that regulates space and the 'docility' of bodies as well as prisoners' ...
The space settlers first arrived on this faraway ocean paradise long ago, sent via an embryonic seed pod in an effort to further the human race. In the years since their arrival, the colonists founded a new society, one that is peaceful, loving, and free from the influence of religion ...