Time and space complexity are measures used to analyze algorithms' efficiency in terms of resources consumed. Time complexity represents the amount of time an algorithm takes to complete as a function of the input size, while space complexity represents the amount of memory space an algorithm requ...
We call the first indel in a gap itsgap-open; the last itsgap-close. Consider an alignment of two profiles X and Y, and a gap of lengthλin X in which the gap-open is aligned to positionyoin Y and the gap-close toyc. The penalty for this gap isb(yo) +t(yc) +λe, whereb...
Viterbi algorithm is the basic technique for space-time trellis codes (STTC) decoding. The received information affected by the channel impairments can be corrected by the path record determined by accumulating the branch metrics in the state transitions. However, the computation complexity of the ...
The calculation of the cumulative cost matrix requires frequent access and access in the video memory. Each access requires hundreds of clock cycles, which greatly increases the access overhead. Different diagonal lengths will lead to uneven task allocation among threads, which will cause some ...
The calculation process is detailed in Method and Supplementary Note 1, and the parameters used are typical values of erbium ions at a temperature of 4 K. The calculated results for the population at the nth level \({\rho }_{{nn}}\left(t\right)\), i.e., the diagonal terms of \...
The NGA50 length statistic is similar to the NG50 length, but uses alignment blocks instead of sequence lengths for the calculation. To assess the base qualities of the various assemblies, we report the number of mismatches or indels per 100 kbp from QUAST, spectra-cn plots, and QV from...
Each neuron is to be connected to the following neurons in turn, and the connecting arrows are carried backward. Here the input is assumed to be a one-dimensional time series \(u=(u(0),u(1),\ldots ,u(T-1))^{T}\), each time step is T. The calculation of \(x(t)(0\...
greater number of observations than expected under a random distribution (E[c]). This calculation involves comparing the observed event count to the background population, enabling an assessment of statistical significance. The window with the highestLRis considered the most likely cluster. Under ...
In OR metric calculation, one may need to know the probability when both R1′ and R2′ failed but R3′ succeeded. If links are assumed to be independent, the probability is (1 − 0.4) × (1 − 0.6) × 0.2 = 4.8%. However, the probability when both R1′ and R2′ failed is 2...
The paper aims at comparing the respective benefits of STBICM (space-time bit-interleaved coded modulation) and space-time trellis codes (STTC) for a MIMO block fading multipath channel. Giving a general framework for the calculation of the outage probability, we try to point out the best tran...