discrete time Markovian motion 离散时间马尔可夫运动 space time Brownian motion 时空布朗运动 相似单词 time and motion adj. 工时与动作 time motion adj. 时间与动作的 motion n. 1.[U]运动;移动;动态 2.[C]动作;身体某部分的运动方式;姿态 3.[C]动议,提议 4.[C]大便;粪便 v. 1.[I]【不用...
1. 时间与动作研究 他主张用「时间与动作研究」(time-and-motion studies)将工作流程步骤化──即使不同职工,也能重复同样的动作,不致有 … www.atj.org.tw|基于13个网页 2. 时间和动作研究 的确, 自从时间和动作研究(time-and-motion studies)在1900 年左右流行开来之后,资本主义 生产体系的硬件和软件之间就...
《Motion and Time Study》是1980年8月6日Wiley出版的图书,作者是Ralph M. Barnes。内容简介 An updated demonstration of the application of motion and time study to the design and measurement of work and industrial problem-solving. Illustrations and practical examples show how motion and time study ...
To determine how to make the process safer, interviews were conducted with the people who would usually be carrying out this process and determined their top concerns and issues with how it is carried out currently. To improve the speed and accuracy of the process, a "time and motion study"...
网格化-水波纹<MeshImage-SinMotion> 笔刷<Paint> 下落动效<DropPhysicalView> 全景锁屏<VR> 全景桌面<CommonWallpaper> 延时解锁<DelayUnlock> 水波纹<WaterWallpaper> 跟手粒子<ParticleView> 3D高级动效 3D旋转视图<StereoView> 立体图层<MultiLayer> 一镜到底 性能优化 创意场景 趣味按压 ...
TIME-MOTION ANALYSIS OF SMALL-SIDED TRAINING GAMES AND COMPETITION IN ELITE WOMEN SOCCER PLAYERS. The article focuses on the study conducted regarding the movement patterns of small-sided training games and competition of the elite women soccer players... Gabbett,J Tim,Mulvey,... - 《Journal of...
To gain a promotion, you might have to work overtime. 为了得到晋升,你可能得加班。Most member countries have already legislated against excessive overtime. 大部分成员国已经立法禁止过度加班。The company's position with regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts. 公司关于加班的立场在合同...