Building on the recent fixed-point formulation (FPF) of quantum theory, we formulate the notion of an event precisely as a fixed point constraint on the Keldysh time contour. Then, considering a sequence of measurement events in time, we show that both time and event symmetry can be retained...
B. Hartle, "Quantum Mechanics in the Light of Quantum Cosmology," PRINT-90-0266-UC,SANTA-BARBARA- (1990); "Al- ternative Decohering Histories in Quantum Mechanics," UCSB-TH-90-56 (1990); "Time Symmetry and Asymmetry in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Cosmology," arXiv:gr-qc/9304023; ...
GAUGE SYMMETRY IN PHASE SPACE CONSEQUENCES FOR PHYSICS AND SPACETIME Position and momentum enter at the same level of importance in the formulation of classical or quantum mechanics. This is reflected in the invariance of Poisson brackets or quantum commutators under canonical transformations, which I ...
Continuous-time stochastic processes pervade everyday experience, and the simulation of models of these processes is of great utility. Classical models of systems operating in continuous-time must typically track an unbounded amount of information about
From the perspective of quantum mechanics, electrons can form crystals that do not match the underlying spatial translation symmetry of the orderly, three-dimensional array of atoms, Yao said. This breaks the symmetry of the material and leads to unique and stable properties we define as a crysta...
The ensemble of the qubit and mechanics constitutes an autonomous machine. This figure includes the image “fire” ( by Anonymous/CC0. b Evolution of the complex mechanical amplitude β if the qubit is in the |e⟩ (resp. |g⟩) and the MO ...
with trapped ions,18,19 ensemble of cold atoms,20 and spins in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)21 where the thermodynamic arrow of time was successfully measured.22 On the other hand, realistic strategies must still be developed to measure the fluctuations of entropy production for quantum open ...
The most recent attempt at achieving common ground, that of String Theory, fell victim in this struggle and was reduced to so called Super Symmetry String Theory (or Super String Theory for short), being reinterpreted as super-short string segments embedded within the theoretical quark particles....
By studying the qualitative behaviour of three two-particle quantities for different probabilities of having missing bonds, we argue that the chosen symmetry under particle- exchange of the input state strongly affects the output of the walk, even in noisy and highly non-ideal regimes. We provide...
D. Volchenkov, in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2011 It is known that for a stationary, discrete-valued stochastic process the expected recurrence time to return to a state is just the reciprocal of the probability of this state [10]. Hence, the recurrence time ...