The focus of this study is on the relative pricing of time and demand deposits. Its intended contribution to the literature of deposit insurance is to differentiate the risk associated with, and thus the insurance cost of, the two types of deposits. The question is which of the two kinds ...
Time or demand depositsmeans checking andsavings accountin banks or deposits or share insavings and loaninstitutions,credit unionsormoney market funds. Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3 Based on 8 documents Save Copy Time or demand depositsmeanschecking accounts,certificates of depositorother timeor demand depo...
rate for demand deposits. c.Functions and features Convenient and flexible: It can be used conveniently as the demand deposit, and also derive the interests as the time deposit. Interests are subject to the duration of deposit term. The longer the deposit term is, the higher the interest ...
The interest for RMB time-demand deposit is debited on each account based on actual-over-365. ☆ Service channel 1. Account opening: banking outlets. 2. Withdrawal: banking outlets. 3. Inquiries: banking outlets, Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, ATM, and self-service terminals. ...
The interest for RMB time-demand deposit is debited on each account based on actual-over-365. ☆ Service channel 1. Account opening: banking outlets. 2. Withdrawal: banking outlets. 3. Inquiries: banking outlets, Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, ATM, and self-service terminals. ☆ Operation...
The Time or Demand Optional Deposit is a savings deposit in which the customer deposits a RMB principal in a lump-sum without specifying the deposit term, and the principal and after-tax interest accrued are paid in a lump-sum upon withdrawal. ...
The interest for RMB time-demand deposit is debited on each account based on actual-over-365. ☆ Service channel 1. Account opening: banking outlets. 2. Withdrawal: banking outlets. 3. Inquiries: banking outlets, Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, ATM, and self-service terminals. ...
The interest for RMB time-demand deposit is debited on each account based on actual-over-365. ☆ Service channel 1. Account opening: banking outlets. 2. Withdrawal: banking outlets. 3. Inquiries: banking outlets, Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, ATM, and self-service terminals. ☆ Operation...
(Banking & Finance) a bank deposit from which withdrawals may be made only after advance notice or at a specified future date. Comparedemand deposit Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, ...
The interest for RMB time-demand deposit is debited on each account based on actual-over-365. ☆ Service channel 1. Account opening: banking outlets. 2. Withdrawal: banking outlets. 3. Inquiries: banking outlets, Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, ATM, and self-service terminals. ...