console.log(Date.parse())//NaN 如果想输出指定的日期,把Date.parse()传入Date构造方法里。 vartime=newDate(Date.parse('6/13/2011'));console.log(time)//Mon Jun 13 2011 00:00:00 GMT+0800 Date.UTC()方法也是返回表示日期的毫秒数,但它与Date.parse()在构建值时使用不同的信息。(年份,基于0的...
JavaScript Date and Time Functions - full listing of all JavaScript functions for dealing with date and time.
1、var timestamp1 = (new Date()).valueOf(); 2、var timestamp2 = new Date().getTime(); 3、var timetamp3 = Number(new Date()) ; #时间戳(Timestamp)转时间(Date): 1、var date1 = new Date(1472048779952); 2、var date2=date1.toLocaleDateString().replace(/\//g, "-") + " " ...
JS Methods of primitivesJS NumbersJS MathJS StringsJS ArraysJS Array methodsJS IterablesJS Map and SetJS WeakMap and WeakSetJS Object.keys, Values, EntriesJS Destructuring AssignmentJS Date and timeJS JSON methods, toJSON Advanced functions JS Recursion and StackJS Rest Parameters and Spread Syn...
2.Date对象扩展 Date.prototype = {} 1. 二. time 具体方法 1.个位时间加0前缀 addZero: function(temp) { return temp < 10 ? "0" + temp : temp; } 1. 2. 3. 2.时间格式浏览器兼容 getTimeStap: function(val) { return isNaN(val) ? Date.parse(val.replace(new RegExp(/-/gm), "/"...
// 获得的后台json 时间格式转化 例如:1520305366000 转化为XXXX-XX-XX类似这种 1 function timeStamp2String(time){ 2 var datetime = new Date(); 3 datetime.setTime(time); 4 var
getFullYear()) { alert("Invalid value for year: " + regs[3] + " - must be between 1902 and " + (new Date()).getFullYear()); form.startdate.focus(); return false; } } else { alert("Invalid date format: " + form.startdate.value); form.startdate.focus(); return false; }...
new Date(milliseconds) new Date(Date string) new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) new Date() You can create a date object using the new Date() constructor. For example, const timeNow = new Date(); console.log(timeNow); // shows current date and time Out...
date.countBtw(type) date.countBtw(type, to) date.countBtw(type, from, to, i) Computes the difference between two dates and returns objects of results.type is type of request, all/year/month/week/day. All relevant options are valid. from String or Number. Default value is 1/1/...
The JavaScriptDate()object helps when working with dates and times. It allows you to create and manipulate dates, representing a specific moment in time. To create a new object with the current date and time, add the object to your script: ...