The current Canada/Eastern time zone offset is:UTC/GMT -5 hoursThe time and date in this time zone is: 3:49 AM on Tuesday, Feb 11, 2025 Search for a city to find the local time.Daylight Saving Time: This time zone changed from daylight savings to standard time at 2:00 AM on Sund...
Current local time and date in Tennessee (eastern), United States from a trusted independent resource
Current local time and date in Kentucky (eastern), United States from a trusted independent resource
Also known as:Eastern Time(ET) andEastern Daylight Time(EDT) Currently observing EST. Areas with same time currently (UTC -5). Eastern Standard Time (EST) is 5 hours behindCoordinated Universal Time(UTC). This time zone is in use duringstandard timein:North America,Caribbean,Central America....
Time and Date:9 a.m. (Eastern Time), November 19, 2007.Thomas K. Emswiler
Also known as:Australian Eastern Time(AET) andAustralian Eastern Daylight Time(AEDT) Caution: This is NOT the current local time in most locations in that time zone Australia: Only some locations are currently on AEST because most places in this time zone are currently onsummer time / daylight...
Eastern Time/美东时间 (纽约、迈阿密等)时差为-13小时, Central Time/中部时间 (芝加哥、休斯顿等)时差为-14小时, Mountain Time/山地时间 (丹佛、凤凰城等)时差为-15小时, Pacific Time/太平洋时间 (洛杉矶、拉斯维加斯、西雅图等)时差为-16小时,
aI experienced the pleasant time with Miss FANG as my assistant, such a sincere, hardworking and promising young lady. And when I know she decide to apply for your university for her postgraduate degree, I feel glad that she still keeps her passion in pursing academic achievement and realizi...
Additionally, in the United States, there are 5 states that are split between the Eastern Time Zone and Central Standard Time (CST): Indiana, Tennessee, Florida, Kentucky, and Michigan. Interestingly, the time zone definitions in the US were initiated by railroad companies, but when the Interst...
eastern timephr. (美国)东部时间;(美国)东部时区 Eastern Daylight Timen.东部白昼时间 standard time标准时,额定工时 time standard时间标准 frequency and time standard频率及计时间标准 Japan standard time日本标准时间 bering standard timephr. 白令标准时间 ...