Time is the currency of your life, spend it wisely Don’t let others no matter how well intentioned spend it for you, it’s all you’ve got In the end, you may falter, but rest assured, time will not Time is an endless, relentless stream, moving in one direction, while your ...
=== time歌词完整版如下=== time -MKJ Money is not evil by itself 钱本身并不是邪恶的 Its just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other ways 只是纸与感知价值获得其他东西我们在其他方面的价值 If not money what is evil you may ask 如果没有钱你可能会问什么是邪恶 ...
MKJ - Time (Official)
音乐人 音频创作 VIP会员 登录 首页 榜单 听书 直播 下载酷狗 商务合作 更多 DJ Luson、MKJ - Time (DJ Luson Edit Mix) 酷狗音乐 / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Time DJ Luson、MKJ 05:00Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 详情 下载 关闭...
MKJ - Time (0.8X版) 歌手:MKJ Money not its other in other way not what is you may ask evil is thenve and mor ending desire Evil is a bottomless soulless an obsessive compulsi pursue of some po of gold At the end of something which doesn't agree Evil is having a price Your...
===time歌词完整版如下=== time -MKJ Money is not evil by itself 钱本身并不是邪恶的 Its just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other ways 只是纸与感知价值获得其他东西我们在其他方面的价值 If not money what is evil you may ask 如果没有钱你可能会问什么是邪恶 ...
从网络上了解到,“Time”是美国电音制作人MKJ发行于2015年04月25日的作品,其中包含摩根·弗里曼在纪录片《Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman》(《与摩根·弗里曼一起穿越虫洞》)中的一段独白。摩根·弗里曼的独白并不是专为这首音乐创作的,只是被MKJ拿来和自己创作的音乐混剪在一起,本是拼凑之作,却天衣无...
Time is an endless, relentless stream, moving in one direction, while your memories move in another 时间在无尽、无情的向前流逝,就像你的记忆一样 It is not something you choose, but rather, it is something that chooses you 这不是你选择了事物(时间),而是事物(时间)选择了你 ...