DEA 1/2004 Span tables for solid timber members in floors, ceilings and roofs (excluding trussed rafter roofs) for dwellings (2005 reprint with amendments) (includes 2007 amendment) (No longer current but cited in Building Regulations)
Coopers Plains, QLD 4108 Australia Tel: 07 3274 5455 Website: Excerpt; This document provides span tables for dressed unseasoned hardwood which may be used to supplement the design information provided in AS 1684 Residential Timber Framed Construction, Part 2: ...
We came across an incredible piece of nail artwork while we were pulling the rafter tips apart. Cut nails were used, and some of them were made from fairly soft steel. Isaac discovered this incredible shape: The nail had split apart lengthwise as it was hammered into the rafter. One piece...
As1684ResidentialTimberFramedConstruction.pdf DOWNLOADHERE 1/2 AS1684.2-1999Residentialtimber-framedconstruction-Non... http://.saiglobal/PDFTemp/Previews/OSH/as/as1000/1600/16842.pdf ThisAustralianStandardwaspreparedbyCommitteeTM/2,TimberFraming.ItwasapprovedonbehalfoftheCouncilofStandardsAustraliaon5Novembe...
DEA 1/2004 Span tables for solid timber members in floors, ceilings and roofs (excluding trussed rafter roofs) for dwellings