Its air dry density varies from 400 to 1075 kg per cubic metre depending on species. Nyatoh is derived from several genera of Sapotaceae; the more common being Madhuca, Palaquium and Payena. Species from these genera such as Madhuca utilis, Palaquium ridleyi and P. stellatum which are ...
英文 WikiMatrix Expresses concern at the economic vicissitudes represented by the slump intimbersales, the weakness oftimberprices and the raw materialsshortagewhich is likely to affect thetimberindustry within two or three years from now; not-set ...
It is considered to be a much more sustainable material to build with than concrete and cement because it sequesters carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (one tonne per cubic metre of wood). It is undisputed that forests play a critical role in absorbing carbon dioxide (C...
“A rise in fossil fuel prices favours wood and it is C02 neutral,” explains Roland Furrer of the Swiss Forest Owners Association. In Switzerland, burning wood satisfies barely 4 per cent of the country’s energy needs but a lobby group has emerged and Furrer sees a rosy future ahead. ...
“In this way no difficulties arise when securing a load with two metre trunks lying crosswise to the direction of the road;also it is virtually impossible to overload the vehicle and there are a lot fewer empty runs as there is always scrap metal, rubble or other d...
The functional unit is the solid cubic metre of wood with bark (m3 over bark) or the batch, which is the selling unit [10,20,21]. The allocation of the functional units to the processes in the supply chain is crucial. 3.1.1. Tracking and Tracing The spatial and technical manipulation ...