Other (more complex) load condition spans can be determined with our free Hyne Timber Design 7.5 software. LVL LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER BEAMS- engineered wood sources, properties, span tables NHBCTIMBER & CONTCRETE UPPER FLOOR TIMBER FLOOR JOIST SPANS[PDF] for the U.K., NHBC House, Davy Avenue...
The present experimental study builds on that status quo by quantifying also moment sharing, via strain gauge layouts at quarter-span and midspan, along with reaction sharing via load cells at the supports of a multi-joist TCC specimen, over the entire load range up to failure. Use of steel...
This paper presents the details of the modelling and also the correlation of predicted and measured results of six full-scale timber I-joist flooring systems. It shows the capability of the model in determining the most critical frequencies (e.g. of the first five principal first-order modes)...
Moreover, for vibration serviceability, a static mid-span deflection of less than 1 to 2 mm under a 1 kN vertical load, normally referred to as d1 kN, is recommended. A study by Woeste and Dolan [65] on timber joist floors at Virginia Tech University showed that a “code compliant” ...