All of our frames are constructed using traditional mortise and tenon joinery, fastened with hardwood pegs. We offer both standard and custom designs.We have the most affordable prices in the business. What We Provide Green Mountain Post & Beam offers affordable timber frame homes, additions, barn...
The difference between us and the "Big" companies is that we offer personal service and a lasting relationship with home owners. When we build your frame we don't just raise the frame and leave. We're here when you need us, and that's important when you're building your dream home. ...
The difference between us and the "Big" companies is that we offer personal service and a lasting relationship with home owners. When we build your frame we don't just raise the frame and leave. We're here when you need us, and that's important when you're building your dream home. ...
It is used extensively to clad brick and mortar, timber frame buildings, and increasingly in prefabricated modular buildings. It acts as a weatherboard or ‘rainscreen’ to the wall behind and has the additional benefit of protecting and concealing external insulation on walls. External insulation ...
Malaysian timber prices remain weak but steady although weather continues to affect the country, making timber extraction problem- atic. Prices are not expected to hold however. Private and commercial foreclosures are increasing possi- bly due to massive layoffs by major MNCs and a downward trend ...
While GLT beams are interconnected to form a structural frame and require additional materials to close walls and floors, CLT panels already act as shearing walls and floors. Therefore, this simplicity becomes an advantage of CLT products in the manufacture of industrialized buildings. After almost ...