然后,可以在定时器中断服务函数中使用TIM_GetITStatus函数检测中断标志位是否被置位,例如:void TIM2_...
其实定时器1的中断处理函数不需要这个判断if ( TIM_GetITStatus(TIM3 , TIM_IT_Update) == RESET)...
status, have been through some ups and downs lately. Things have been looking up these past few days and you’ve been thinking it’s getting better. Sadly it is about to get so much more complicated though many of you may not even notice it. This is to be a very social tim ...
然后,可以在定时器中断服务函数中使用TIM_GetITStatus函数检测中断标志位是否被置位,例如:void TIM2_...
其实定时器1的中断处理函数不需要这个判断if ( TIM_GetITStatus(TIM3 , TIM_IT_Update) == RESET)...
TIM_GetITStatus函数用于获取指定定时器的中断标志位状态。void TIMx_IRQHandler(void) { if (TIM_...