TIM作为输入模块,每个TIM有8个通道,在捕获处理前有滤波模块,如下: 关于输入源可以选择: 其中AUX_IN(x)是I/O复用模式,GTM模块中的输出直接到TIM中,如下:
GTM_TIM_Capture_1 for KIT_AURIX_TC334_LK PWM input capturing via TIM AURIX™ TC3xx Microcontroller Training V1.0.0 Please read the Important Notice and Warnings at the end of this document Scope of work The Timer Input Module (TIM) of the GTM is used to capture an external ...
hi,使用公板使用例程GTM_TIM_Capture_1_KIT_TC397_TFT 时出现以下问题:把PWM的输出端,与捕获端断开此时开机,抓取以下值三个值为0,正常,接上PWM的输出端和捕获端,能够正确的读出以下三个值,但此时断开输出端和捕获端,还是能够正常读出以下三个值(理论上断开后读出的值为0),请问这是什么原因导致...
TIM_DeInit(TIM5);/*not required?*//*Connect internally the TIM5_CH4 Input Capture to the LSI clock output*/TIM_RemapConfig(TIM5, TIM5_LSI);/*Time base configuration*/TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period=0xFFFFFFFF;//32-bit maximalTIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler =0;//Highest Rate (DIV4...
a0: No wakeup event generated on external interrupts from pin 0 of all ports [translate] aBit 3 TIM1_EV1: TIM1 interrupt event 1 [translate] a1: TIM1 capture and compare interrupts logically ORed and configured to generate wakeup events [translate] ...
TIM[0].CH0.CTRL.B.CLK_SEL = 0; // configure TIM channel interrupt MODULE_GTM.TIM[0].CH0.IRQ.EN.B.NEWVAL_IRQ_EN = 1; // enable external capture function MODULE_GTM.TIM[0].CH0.CTRL.B.EXT_CAP_EN = 1; MODULE_GTM.TIM[0].CH0.ECTRL.B.EXT_CAP_src=1; MODULE_GTM.TIM[0]....
突然有一天开发无法连接上虚拟机了,打开虚拟机先是发现无法联网,后来ifconfig连IP都没有了,只有一个127.0.0.1 Easy
TIM21, INPUT CAPTURE mode, System clock at 2Mhz or below caused hardfault? Go to solution chai2145 Associate III 2024-10-03 07:08 PM Hi , I am using TIM21 in input capture mode to measure the LSI frequency (~37 kHz). However, when I set the TIM21 cloc...