SCRecorder - 酷似 Instagram/Vine 的音频/视频摄像记录器,以 Objective-C 为基础的过滤器框架。 你可以做很多如下的操作:记录多个视频录像片段。删除任何你不想要的记录段。可以使用任何视频播放器播放片段。保存的记录可以在序列化的 NSDictionary 中使用。(在 NSUserDefaults 的中操作)添加使用 Core Image 的视频滤波...
SCRecorder - 酷似 Instagram/Vine 的音频/视频摄像记录器,以 Objective-C 为基础的过滤器框架。 你可以做很多如下的操作:记录多个视频录像片段。删除任何你不想要的记录段。可以使用任何视频播放器播放片段。保存的记录可以在序列化的 NSDictionary 中使用。(在 NSUserDefaults 的中操作)添加使用 Core Image 的视频滤波...
A short vid of him shagging went to YouTube and to Vine It ended up on porn sites where they thought it was divine A short vid of him [bleep]ing went to YouTube and to Vine And he ain’t gonna chat no more – [CHORUS] – The images on imgur went viral naturally They tumbled ...
The vision pro is in its infancy it may die on the vine or flourish. I’m sure you remember how video streaming was never going to take off. Or so said Blockbuster. I remember Stewart Allsop forecasting the last mainframe would shutdown in the mid 1990s. I still see a lot of...
Vine Update Lets Users Edit Videos, Save Multiple Drafts— Vine, Twitter's six-second looping video app, has just released an update to the app that brings two new big features to the video sharing platform: Sessions and Time Travel. — Time Travel essentially lets you edit videos … ...
About A curated list of iOS objective-C ecosystem.
英文原文来自于comicvine网站Tim Drake词条下的资料,目前翻译到了无限危机部分,大约已完成全部内容的三分之一左右了。因为本人英语水平有限,所以错漏之处还望指正。除了翻译原文之外,还加了一点个人注释,并配了少量漫画图片。 另外,谢绝无授权转载。 分享4716 堡垒之夜吧 余音Yuyin 在CNN 和 Tim Sweeney(epic ceo)...
as well as the landmark BBC Radio 2 live broadcast,Titanic, Minute by Minute, which he co-wrote and presented with Jeremy Vine, for Titanic’s centenary. This won a Bronze Award at the Sony Radio Awards, and the Grand Award and a Gold Award at the New York Radio Awards. Tim works ...
2.) Put that/those video(s) up on your Vine, Instagram®, Twitter®, Facebook®, Snapchat®, and/or YouTube® accounts with thehashtag #ScrewYourFearsAndDoubtsand it may be shared or even featured! 3.) Repeat with another fear/doubt, then do and share as many as you wish...
SCRecorder - 酷似 Instagram/Vine 的音频/视频摄像记录器,以 Objective-C 为基础的过滤器框架。 你可以做很多如下的操作:记录多个视频录像片段。删除任何你不想要的记录段。可以使用任何视频播放器播放片段。保存的记录可以在序列化的 NSDictionary 中使用。(在 NSUserDefaults 的中操作)添加使用 Core Image 的视频...