You are a great teacher. Your work which is not only inspirational but educational. Your beat poem, ‘Storm’, is often referenced in my classroom and utilised as a way of getting students to reflect on and challenge their own beliefs. You work enables my students to learn to think critica...
Tim Minchin – A real musical genius « musicandartlifestyle on 31st of December 2010 […] celebrated 9-minute beat poem, Storm, has been animated and premièred at TAM London in October 2010. The animated movie will be […] Jessica Sideways on 14th of December 2010 I can’t wait fo...
Keen fans of Minchin will note that several numbers have already appeared on his album,Apart Together.Others will be pleased that some of the old favourites feature, such as beat poem “Mitsubishi Colt.” Sure it requires a glossary of terms, but at least the comic is ensuring that millennia...
也许我一开始就以Dylan的现场风格和思维深度来要求别的 comedian了,Dylan Moran只有一个,而他是Tim Minchin。 但是我还是爱上他了 也许是因为在得到墨尔本喜剧节的最佳新人和album导演奖的那天晚上他拉着Sarah的手回家 也许是因为在去伦敦之前他抱着Sarah说baby,your heart的表情 也许是因为在他一夜成名之后他说现在...
“Tim Minchin’s Storm is a masterpiece of poetry, songwriting, performance. It’s one of my favorite things in the world. The world sorely needs more articulate civilized rants like this. In any form.” Adam Savage Storm started its life as ajazz-backed beat-poem, written for Tim’s 20...
Tim Minchin 2003. However when I first heard this song I could have sworn I heard an extremely similar [albeit not amusing] song many decades ago, and I was wondering if this was modeled after or a parody of another song from the past. ...
but what would i know. i only beat kirst in a grammar argument once. M. on 14th of April 2007 Alright. Tim’s shoe has a very sexy rowrrrr. (grammar joke) Are you 100% sure it is a GRAMMAR joke? Are you sure? Ahhhh. I’m usually good at this. Ahhhh. ...