Timothy Keller:His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did. I enjoy reading a good biography as much as anyone, but was perhaps a bit skeptical about a book that, instead of focusing on an individual’s life and accomplishments, instead...
9Marks reviews Tim Keller’s newest book Preaching. They offer a handful of measured critiques but in the end “highly recommend this volume for its clear and convincing exhortations to be more culturally literate in our preaching and teaching ministries.” We’re to love our children for who...
—Tim Keller Kindle DealsMy daily, curated collection of Kindle deals for Christians Latest Book Pilgrim Prayers See Also A La Carte (July 9) A La Carte: A prayer for my children’s walk with Christ / What really happened and Nicea / The secular creed / The Bible is not boring / It...
Facebook Obsession– This video gives some context to our current Facebook obsession. Contextualization is not giving people what they want. It is giving God’s answers (which they probably do not want) to the questions they are asking and in forms they can comprehend.–Tim Keller ...