于是决定去food court转转,最后选择了Tim Hortons!原本想点chicken habanero loaded bowl,但可惜没有habanero酱,于是换成了roast beef and cheddar sandwich。我点了combo套餐,配上一小份锯齿薯条和中杯咖啡☕️。不知道是不是好久没吃Tim家的东西了,这次的三明治真的太好吃了!面包烤得外焦里嫩,里面的牛肉片也...
【Tim Hortons加拿大暖食上新】 近日,Tim Hortons加拿大宣布,门店上新了BBQ Crispy Chicken风味的Loaded Bowl和Loaded Wrap,据称产品的鸡肉能品尝到烧烤烟熏味与奶油味。
"We showed strength across all our core categories, but also a lot of growth in some of the big target places we're trying to take the business, like our P.M. food and cold beverages," Kobza said. Recent menu launches at Tims have included its BBQ Crispy Chicken bowl and Sparkling Qu...