Berners-Lee, T.: TED talks: Tim Berners-Lee on the next web (February 2009)T. Berners-Lee. TED Talks: Tim Berners-Lee on the next web, February 2009.Tim Berners-Lee on the Next Web [Video]. (2009) on_the_next _web.html....
1955年6月8日,伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)出生于 英格兰 伦敦西南部。父亲是康威·伯纳斯·李,母亲是玛丽·李·伍兹。他的父母都参与了世界上第一台商业电脑,曼切斯特1型(ManchesterMark I)的建造。伯纳斯-李在辛山小学(Sheen Mount Primary School)念小学,在伦敦伊曼纽尔公学(EmanuelSchool)念中学。1973年,他中学...
Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the Web, created the world wide web in 1990.Berners-Lee was born on June 8,1955 in London, England. His parents, both computer designers, encouraged him to think and work creatively as he grew up. He was an excellent student and naturally took an interest...
Berners-Lee became one of the most important innovators of the contemporary age after a few more years of ground-breaking work in the area resulted in the creation of the “World Wide Web.” See the fact file below for more information about Tim Berners-Lee, or download the comprehensive ...
现时大家手机、电脑不离手,基本上生活跟上网是不能分割。不过,「万维网之父」英国科学家Tim Berners-Lee 近日发表公开信以纪念万维网(World Wide Web)成立32 周年时,就提到全球现有逾3 成年轻人是无法享有上网这种基本权利,且有更多人是缺乏上网所需的配套,如数据,设备,以及稳定的网络连接。
自1991年英国人Tim Berners-Lee创建万维网开始,电子信息技术的发展也在不断推进英国在医疗领域的科技创新,大大提高了患者的治疗效果。为应对日渐复杂的手术过程和细节,越来越多的英国外科医生采用机器人来配合手术;脑机界面技术(Brain Computer Interface,如图2)也被用于复杂的外科手术技术培训中来,培养出众多高技能的...
Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the Web, was born on June8, 1955 in London, England. His parents, both computer designers, encouraged him to think and work creatively as he grew up. He was an excellent student and took an interest in computers and science.After graduating from Oxford Univ...
It was even difficult for computers in the same office in Switzerland to share information. Tim also forgot things easily. Could a computer work like a brain? Could it “talk” to other computers?There was an Internet already but it was difficult to use. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented...
Berners-Lee is now director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which maintains standards for the Web and continues to refine its design. Recently he has envisioned a "Semantic Web" -- an evolved version of the same system that recognizes the meaning of the information it carries. He'...
重磅!万维网之父Tim Berners-Lee将在爱思唯尔Elsevier与阿姆斯特丹自由大学联合举办的WebSci18大会上与大家探讨未来数字科技发展。本次演讲将通过社交媒体平台同步直播,敬请关注→