蒂莫西·约翰·“蒂姆”·伯纳·李爵士(Tim Berners-Lee),OM,KBE,FRS,FREng,FRSA,(Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee,1955年6月8日-),英国计算机科学家。他是万维网的发明者,麻省理工学院教授。1990年12月25日,罗伯特·卡里奥在CERN和他一起成功通过Internet实现了HTTP代理与服务器的第一次通讯。 万维网联...
根据第一栏第一句“Tim Berners-Lee (1955~ ) is an English engineer and computer scientist,…”可知伯纳斯李是一名科学家;故选B。 (2)题详解: 细节理解题。根据第2栏第一句“Toni Morrison (1931~ ) is …”可知,托尼·莫里森1931年出生,今年2020年,可知托尼·莫里森现在89岁。故选C。 (3)题详解: ...
Tim Berners-Lee1955年出生于英国。当他十八岁的时候离开学校,去牛津大学,在那里学习物理。所以他应该是1973年去牛津大学的。因此,正确答案是B。2.C此题是细节理解题。答案出处:In 1989,he went to work in Switzerland, where he had the idea of an international information network linked by computer.在...
【题文】Tim Berners-Lee is not the most famous inventor in the world. However, his invention has changed our lives.He was born in London, England in 1955. When he was a small boy, Tim was interested in playing with electrical things. He studied science at Oxford University. He made his...
1955年6月8日,伯纳斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)出生于英格兰伦敦360百科西南部。父亲是康威·伯纳斯-李,母亲是玛丽·李·伍兹。他的父母都参与了管完片过没留海端世界上第一台商业电脑期半河或此星候坚边贵,曼切斯特1型(Manchester MarkI)的建造。伯纳斯-李在辛山小学(Sheen MountPrimary School)念小学,在伦敦伊曼纽尔...
这个图总结了我上面所说的,在我看来 Web 分为五个阶段,对应于 Tim Berners-Lee 讲的三件大的任务上。Tim Berners-Lee 大概 30 年前就开始思考这些问题。从他的规划来看,从他当时的 proposal 开始可能要花 50 年的时间,到 2040 年,把整个这样一个愿景实现。
1955年6月8日,伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)出生于 英格兰 伦敦西南部。父亲是康威·伯纳斯·李,母亲是玛丽·李·伍兹。他的父母都参与了世界上第一台商业电脑,曼切斯特1型(ManchesterMark I)的建造。伯纳斯-李在辛山小学(Sheen Mount Primary School)念小学,在伦敦伊曼纽尔公学(EmanuelSchool)念中学。1973年,他中学...
Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the Web, was born on June8, 1955 in London, England. His parents, both computer designers, encouraged him to think and work creatively as he grew up. He was an excellent student and took an interest in computers and science.After graduating from Oxford Univ...
【题目】Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the Web, created the world wide web in 1990.Berners-Lee was born on June 8,1955 in London, England. His parents, both computerdesigners, encouraged him to think and work creatively as he grew up. He was an excellentstudent and naturally took an ...
Tim Berners-Lee 1955年6月8日出生于英国伦敦,英国计算机科学家,他是万维网的发明者。1990年12月25日,他成功利用互联网实现了超文本传输协议客户端与服务器的第一次通讯。 父母都是数学家,父亲Conway Berners-Lee也是计算机科学家、第一台商业计算机“费伦蒂马克1号”(Ferranti Mark 1)开发团队成员,母亲Mary Lee ...