《裸颜》(TILL WE HAVE FACES)中身为奴隶的福克斯(Fox)说:没有人能够被放逐,因为世界本是一个城邦(“No one can be an exile if he remembers that all the world is one city.”)。所有的旅行不过让人产生一种暂时的脱离,这种脱离并不真实,我们依然还要回到生活的城邦,继续平凡的生活,感恩命运所赐的福分...
Till We Have Faces豆瓣评分:9.4 简介:在线阅读本书 This tale of two princesses - one beautiful and one unattractive - and of the struggle between sacred and profane love is LewisÂs reworking of the myth of Cupid and Psyche and one of
在故事的结局,Psyche成了神和Eros幸福地住在天上。刘易斯的这篇Till We Have Faces就是把这个故事加以扩展罗嗦yy重写了一遍。用刘易斯自己的话讲就是想写出属于英国人自己的神话,纳尼亚也是一观念下出来的产物。故事跟随Psyche姐姐Orual(小说里的名字)的视角重新讲述了这则神话。故事的基调十分凝重,步伐比较拖拉——...
想起小时候读CS Lewis的Till We Have Faces这句”There must...be something great in the mortal soul. For suffering, it seems, is infinite, and our capacity without limit.” 昨天省内累计人数破千,总人数也要轻松破万了。尽管多数总要为少数的无知无畏和无限欲望买单,人就是凭着不可斗量的能耐才会历经...
Below you will find the important quotes in Till We Have Faces related to the theme of Love and Devouring. Part 1: Chapter 5 Quotes And when the Brute is Ungit it lies with the man, and when it is her son it lies with the woman. And either way there is a devouring... many ...
Till We Have Faces, novel by C.S. Lewis, published in 1956, that retells the ancient myth of Cupid and Psyche. It was Lewis’s last fictional work. Reviews and sales were disappointing, probably because it was different from and more complex than the wor
“Till We Have Faces”: Second-Person Relatedness as the Object, End and Crucial Circumstance of Perfect or “Infused” VirtuesDoes any child ever first acquire virtue in an Aristotelian manner? A subtle interpersonal play is the more typical locus of initial ethical formation. Moreover, many ...
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Till We Have Faces 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 《裸顏》是根據「邱比特與賽姬」的希臘神話改編。 《裸顏》是魯益師晚年的作品。虔誠的魯益師晚年的時候遭遇巨變,痛失至愛,著實動搖了他對上帝的信心。《裸顏》就在這個時候完成。故事主角奧璐兒起初控訴神奪走她的最愛,最後方明白:「要神跟我們面對面...
Critics have examined Lewiss novel on multiple fronts, but fail to acknowledge a central meaning of the text. Mara Donaldson, for example, cites Oruals final epiphany that she can only understand the gods after she writes her book and comes to understand herself (191), but doesnt realize ...