RELATED:'World on Fire' Season 2 First Look Teases the Return of the WWII Series While both films explore similar themes,The Best Years of Our Livesdeals to a great extent with the impact of the war on the loved ones of the returning soldiers.Till the End of Timeis focused more on th...
I haven’t had time to blog, filling up a lot of time with appointments during the day and medical stuff it has all been quite hectic for a different reason. I used to get bored, but life has been filled with new and different things which is what I had hoped for. I finally move...
A movie demands a plot, and a plot was something Meet Me in St. Louis did not have. The world the Smiths inhabited was as sunny as Eden. Was the ketchup boiling on the stove too tart? Would Esther’s date retrieve his tuxedo from the cleaners in time to take her to the ...
Louis Till, in 1943, when Emmett was only 2. In 1945, she received word that Louis Till, a private in the military serving overseas, had died. Sent along with the letter informing her of his death was one of