chairtilings非周期艺术图案的生成generationoftilingsaperiodicaestheticpatterns 系统标签: 非周期图案tilingschairtilingsaperiodic艺术 第18卷第4期2006年4月计算机辅助设计与图形学学报JOURNALOFCOMPUTER-AIDEDDESIGN&COMPUTERGRAPHICSVol.18,No.4Apr.,2006收稿日期:2005 03 10;修回日期:2005 12 05基金项目:国家自然科学基...
Dense square-symmetry tilings of the plane by equilateral triangles and squares are described. Repeated substitution of a vertex of a tiling by groups of vertices leads asymptotically to a limiting density that is independent of the starting pattern and to a family of quasicrystalline patterns with...