2: 21st international symposium on ballistics(Ballistics 2004), 19-23 April 2004, Adelaide, South AustraliaWalker, J. D. "Modeling Foam Insulation Impacts on Space Shuttle Thermal Tiles," Proceedings of the 21st Int. Symp. on Ballistics, Vol. 2, pp. 907-913, Adelaide, Australia, April ...
TheboundingVolume.regionproperty is an array of six numbers that define the bounding geographic region in WGS84 / EPSG:4326 coordinates with the order[west, south, east, north, minimum height, maximum height]. Longitudes and latitudes are in radians, and heights are in meters above (or below...
More generally, how do 3D Tiles support the use case for when the viewer is zoomed in very close to terrain, for example, and we do not want to load all the parent tiles toward the root of the tree; instead, we want to skip right to the high-resolution tiles needed for the current...
Impact Of Coastal Erosion in NightCliff, Darwin, Adelaide Future buildings in Melbourne virtualcityMAP by virtualcitySYSTEMS 10.1 million buildings in North Rhine-Westphalia (34.098 km²) Textured buildings Textured buildings + point clouds building solar potential Berlin Atlas of Economy (switch to ...