cb = colorbar; cb.Layout.Tile = 'east'; Create Axes Without nexttile and Position it Manually Copy Code Copy Command Occasionally, you might need to create the axes by calling one of the axes functions (axes, polaraxes, or geoaxes). When you create the axes with one of these functions...
colormap(ax4,cmap); clr4=colorbar('YTick',[0 max(max(total_magnetization))/5 2*max(max(total_magnetization))/5 3*max(max(total_magnetization))/5 4*max(max(total_magnetization))/5 max(max(total_magnetization))]); set(clr4,'TickLabelInterpreter','latex'); xlabel('$a$-{\it th}...
cb = colorbar; cb.Layout.Tile = 'east'; Create Axes Without nexttile and Position it Manually Copy Code Copy Command Occasionally, you might need to create the axes by calling one of the axes functions (axes, polaraxes, or geoaxes). When you create the axes with one of these functions...
cb = colorbar; cb.Layout.Tile ='east'; Create Axes Withoutnexttileand Position it Manually Occasionally, you might need to create the axes by calling one of the axes functions (axes,polaraxes, orgeoaxes). When you create the axes with one of these functions, specify theparentargument as ...