If you know what tiles you would like to use, enter the size into the calculator above. Don’t forget to enter how much square footage the box covers if you use that method. If you are using sheets, enter the sheet size. The calculator will also give you a cost estimate if you know...
ImperialMetric Tile Size? in X in Tile Depth:? Tiles per Box? 1/23/41/83/8Custom Area to Cover:? ft X ft Sq Footage:? Gap Size:? ft2 1/161/83/161/43/8Custom Waste: ? 10 % Calculate Results Number of tiles:1584 Tiles
The following are the different types of tiles available and the price for the material; this does not include installation. Prices are shown in square feet, try oursquare footage calculatorif you’re unsure how large your shower is.
Starlike Grout Calculator How to Use the Grout CalculatorLength of the tile (inches) Width of the tile (inches) Tile depth (inches) Joint width (inches) Total Sq Ft of project STARLIKE required Lbs Litoelastic or Starlike Grout used as an adhesive required Lbs. 5/64Trowel 1/8Trow...
". Just follow these steps using the tile calculator: Enter the length and width of the tiles. Alternatively, you can input their individual square footage if you know it. Our square footage calculator can help you. Select your gap: Positive means there's a gap, zero means no gap, and ...