<SquareTiles> <SquareOrDesktopTile1> <AppIdOrPath>C:\programdata\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\desktoptile1.lnk</AppIdOrPath> <FirstRunTask>backgroundtask.js</FirstRunTask> </SquareOrDesktopTile1> <SquareOrDesktopTile2> <AppIdOrPath>67890ChannelFabrikam.channel-JKL_mnop1234789!App</AppId...
By default, the standard tile size is responsive. The tile size is independent of the device: small screens get smaller tiles (even on a desktop device), and all larger screens (including some smartphone screens) get larger tiles. The examples below show how the tiles render for different sc...
In a desktop app, before using an instance of this class in a way that displays UI, you'll need to associate the object with its owner's window handle. For more info, and code examples, seeDisplay WinRT UI objects that depend on CoreWindowandPin secondary tiles from desktop apps. ...
要排列的子窗口的句柄数组。 如果指定的子窗口是样式WS_EX_TOPMOST或WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW的顶级窗口,则不会排列子窗口。 如果此参数为NULL,则会排列指定父窗口 (或桌面窗口) 的所有子窗口。 返回值 类型:WORD 如果函数成功,则返回值为排列的窗口数。 如果函数失败,则返回值为零。 要获得更多的错误信息,请调用 Get...
D3d11on12.h D3d12.h Overview D3D_ROOT_SIGNATURE_VERSION enumeration D3D_SHADER_MODEL enumeration D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_NODE structure D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_NODE1 structure D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_OP enumeration D3D12_AXIS_SHADING_RATE enumeration D3D12_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_MODE enumeration D3D12_BARRIER...
This position may vary based on the screen size, resolution, and DPI of the target device. Child Elements Expand table SettingDescription AppIdOrPath Specifies the AppID of the Microsoft Store apps, or the path to the desktop apps, which appear as square ti...
The TileWorld version of Microsoft’s browser, Internet Explorer (IE for short) has many of the features of a desktop Web browser: bookmarks, autocomplete (for Web addresses), scrolling shortcuts, cookies, a pop-up ad blocker, password memorization, and so on. Note It doesn’t work with ...
GoToDesktopOnSignIn - Windows 10 hardware dev HKLMContentPerUserItem - Windows 10 hardware dev HKLMHistoryPerUserItem - Windows 10 hardware dev InternationalCarrierCode - Windows 10 hardware dev Key - Windows 10 hardware dev OfflineLocalAccounts - Windows 10 hardware dev Name - Windows 1...
For accessibility reasons, the tile contains a start and pause button which can be found by hovering the mouse over the tile on desktop devices. On touch devices, the buttons are always displayed. Additionally, the number of slides contained the tile is visualized as dots on on the bottom ...
App logs contain the referer of non-website usage, primarily from stand-alone mobile and desktop programs. App name is derived from a combination of User-Agent, X-Requested-With, and non-website Referer. Multiple app versions are combined and indicated with *. ...