For example, if you have a value of 3.14159 and you want to find the value that is closest to 3.14, you would use the tilde symbol and enter 3.14~. This would tell the calculator to use the value of 3.14 as its nearest approximation for pi (3.14159). What does tilde mean in chat?
What exactly does the syntax ::~ mean in newly added class in C++ Visual Studio 2010 1 What does this symbol mean in C++? "~" 39 What does the tilde (~) in macros mean? 1 What is the operator ~ in here? 2 What does '~' mean when debug in C#? Hot Network Questions A m...
What is the meaning of squiggly line symbol? The squiggly line symbol is most commonly known as the tilde symbol and appears in many places, including on old typewriter keyboards and math equations. Its corresponding Unicode is U+007E and it can be used to indicate an approximation of a val...