agalactiae and Tilapia lake virus (TiLV) have caused huge economic losses to the tilapia farming industry (Ferguson and Beltran, 2014; Eyngor et al., 2014; Evans et al., 2009). For the study of the role of OnCD96 in antibacterial and antiviral activities, we have tested the OnCD96 ...
Heredity 76 (1996) 640—650 Received 25 September 1995 Allozyme variation in natural and cultured populations in two tilapia species: Oreochromis niloticus a n d Tilapia zulu XAVIER ROGNON*, MARTINE ANDRIAMANGA, BRENDAN McANDREW & RENÉ GUYOMARD Laboratoire de Genetique des Poissons, INRA, 78352...
Rakocy, J. E., Masser, M. P., & Losordo, T. M. (2006). Recirculating aquaculture tank production systems: Aquaponics integrating fish and plant culture. SRAC Publication - Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, (454), 16. Hussain, M. G. (2004). Farming of tilapia: Breeding plans, mass...
et al. Identification of bacterial community composition in freshwater aquaculture system farming of Litopenaeus vannamei reveals distinct temperature-driven patterns. International journal of molecular sciences 15, 13663–80 (2014). 85. Rurangwa, E. & Verdegem, M. C. J. J. Microorganisms in ...
To make the results generalizable across different production systems in Kenya, we present both the gross margins of total revenue with and without fingerling and labour costs, as these costs vary greatly between farming operations. The same procedure to model FCR in M1 above was used to model ...
Tilapia farming is the predominant aquaculture activity, with 4623 aquaculture farms in Mexico alone. It is relevant to apply technological alternatives to mitigate production costs, mainly those associated with supporting energy savings for aeration and water pumping in aquaculture farms. There is limited...
Sulfadimethoxine (SDM) and ormetoprim (OMP) are antimicrobials used in combination to treat bacterial infections in fish farming. The use of this drug combination is not yet regulated in some countries, such as Brazil. Due to the lack of regulated drugs for aquaculture in Brazil, this study ...
Fish farming in tanks and ponds is a popular practice all over the world. The use of modern technologies is one way to ensure the availability and effectiveness of fish rearing in tanks on a long-term basis. Timer-controlled automatic feeders with a revolving plate are widely used in the ...