The culture of Tilapia zillii ( Gervais ) in 18 and 34 cm deep, 5.5脳7.6 m earthen ponds at 3 initial stocking densities, 6, 9 and 12 pairs, revealed an optimum 9 pair initial density for the maximum production of fry after 104 days. However, biomass increase was significantly greater ...
Econometric techniques were used to estimate a production function for tilapia pond culture in El-Fayum Governorate, Egypt, utilizing cross-sectional field data. Explanatory variables were feed, initial stocking weight, and pond size. The function was used to examine returns to scale, estimate the ...
Impact of nutrition and season on pond culture performance of mono-sex and mixed-sex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) A 2×2×2 factorial experiment was carried out in a 16 earthen pond system to determine the effect of poor and improved nutrient inputs on the performance ... David,C....
Impact of the adoption of BMPs on social welfare: a case study of commercial floating feeds for pond culture of tilapia in Ghana. Cogent Food & Agriculture (2015) 1, 1048579 ( YB, Frimpong EA. Impact of the adoption of BMPs on ... Tilapia-duck culture Tilapia-chicken culture Tilapia-rabbit culture Pen-cum-pond system 5.7 Economic efficiency of integrated culture 5.8 Closing remarks References 6 - Intensive culture 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Stocking density 6.3 Intensive culture in earthen ponds 6.3....
Pisiculture Other Aquaculture Equipment Fish Farming Protein Skimmer Saltwater US$910.00-998.00 / Set Vertical Crab Ras System Mud Crab Fattening System US$5.50-7.30 / Set Pisiculture Other Aquaculture Equipment Fish Farming Ras System US$499.00-59,999.00 /...
Upon co-habitation with Tilapia in the culture pond, fishes like Indian Major Carps (Labeo rohita, Catla catla and Cirrhinus mrigala), milkfish (Chanos chanos), pearl spot (Etroplus suratensis), Mugil cephalus, Cyprinus carpio and Liza ramada did not show any mortality during the outbreak ...
In our study, equal numbers of mixed and monosex tilapia were cultured in earthen ponds along with Labeo rohita, Catla catla and Cirrhinus mrigala. At the end of the five month culture period, though the general trend of carp growth pattern wa......
In tilapia, precocious sexual maturity associated with continuous and asynchronous reproductive activity often results in unwanted reproduction and overcrowding in ponds where the food supply is limited. This constitutes a major limitation in the culture of most tilapia species. Furthermore, divergent growt...
The traditional culture in cages or on land is the most used technique around the world for the intensive and semi intensive production of tilapia due to its simplicity and low cost. In the first case the investment in infrastructure is not very high and many producers recycle materials from ...