15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions 15 tikv/go-client-api.md Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ To use the Raw Key-Value API in applications developed by golang, take the follo 1. Install the necessary packages.```bash...
go-client连接代码 首先贴一下在社区里提的问题:tikv的go-client如何配置tls证书? 关键代码: func initStore() { cfg := config.DefaultConfig() cfg.Security = config.NewSecurity("root.crt", "client.crt", "client.key", []string{}) config.StoreGlobalConfig(&cfg) client, err = t...
4.测试TiKV集群 使用tikv的go client测试tikv集群 例子链接:https://tikv.org/docs/4.0/reference/clients/go/ 使用tikv的python client测试tikv集群 例子链接:https://tikv.org/docs/5.1/concepts/tikv-in-5-minutes/#set-up-a-local-tikv-cluster-with-the-default-options...
使用tikv的go client测试tikv集群 例子链接:https://tikv.org/docs/4.0/reference/clients/go/ 使用tikv的python client测试tikv集群 例子链接:https://tikv.org/docs/5.1/concepts/tikv-in-5-minutes/#set-up-a-local-tikv-cluster-with-the-default-options...
If you want to try the Go client, seeGo Client. Security Security audit A third-party security auditing was performed by Cure53. See the full reporthere. Reporting Security Vulnerabilities To report a security vulnerability, please send an email toTiKV-securitygroup. ...
TiKV Go Client provides support for interacting with the TiKV server in the form of a Go library. Package versions There are 2 major versions of the client-go package. v2 is the latest stable version. This version was extracted from pingcap/tidb and it includes new TiKV features like Followe...
部分业务没有完整地使用TiDB组件,而是使用官方提供的client-go/client-rust直接访问PD和TiKV。 functestGet(k []byte)(error) { txn, err := client.Begin()iferr !=nil{returnerr } v, err := txn.Get(context.TODO(), k)iferr !=nil{returnerr ...
前台的执行的第一步是 CopClient 的Send方法。先根据 distsql 请求里的KeyRanges构造 coprocessor task,用构造好的 task 创建copIterator,然后调用 copIterator 的open方法,启动多个后台worker goroutine,然后启动一个sender用来把 task 丢进 task channel,最后 copIterator 做为kv.Reponse返回。
package mainimport("context""fmt""github.com/tikv/client-go/config""github.com/tikv/client-go/rawkv")func main(){// 创建客户端配置conf :=config.Default()conf.PD.Endpoints=[]string{""}// 创建 RawKVClient 实例client,err :=rawkv.NewClient(context.Background(),conf.PD.Endpo...
package mainimport ( "context" "fmt" "github.com/tikv/client-go/config" "github.com/tikv/client-go/rawkv")func main { // 创建客户端配置 conf := config.Default conf.PD.Endpoints = []string{""} // 创建 RawKVClient 实例 client, err := rawkv.NewClient(context.Background...