What do the TikTok tracking statuses mean? When you place an order on the TikTok shop, the seller will decide whether to send the order through standard economy shipping or through TikTok global shipping. Whichever way the seller decides to send it, you will receive updates on the current sta...
卖家需要在商家后台提交二次改派的工单 链接指引:https://seller.tiktokglobalshop.com/ticket/create, 产生的费用由平台支付,注意:只有一次免费改派的机会哈! 卖家可在商家后台>帮助中心>创建新客服工单, 选择Order Fulfillment-Logistics and Fulfillment --> Re-delivery request, 一个工单里可上传附件从而批量提交多...
Tracking orders on TikTok Shop is a breeze for e-commerce sellers, especially when you must update your customers on their order status and expected delivery times. Here's how to navigate the tracking process: Go to your profile and navigate "Your Orders" below your bio section. Click on ...
We are very glad that you choose TikTok Shop and we hope you have a wonderful shopping experience with us. We understand that some of our Tracking Messages can be confusing. Here below you'll find some of the common terms and what you should do for your easy reference. 1. 'Delivery can...
2. Seamless Integration with TikTok Shop: Direct Integration: CoShipper seamlessly integrates with the TikTok Shop platform, streamlining order processing and reducing fulfillment times. Real-time Inventory Sync: Our systems sync in real-time with TikTok Shop, providing accurate inventory levels and elimi...
解决方法:1)如果单号本身没有信息,那就是快递公司的问题,请商家找快递公司;2)如果aftership有信息,但是TT系统没抓到,那就是我们系统有问题,请商家提客服工单解决。提供orderID、trackingID、TT后台物流轨迹截图+物流官网轨迹截图,提工单申请将order状态更新到和官网一致 ...
shopcode 涉及pid; 问题描述(英),详细详细! 描述:诉求(英); 问题截图+录屏: 2. 物流相关问题处理 包括LDR和SFCR限单处罚、物流单号错误、无tracking信息等问题。 ·LDR和SFCR限单处罚: 具体指标考核如下,仅作参考,具体处罚阅值以商家具体情况确认 1)LDR延迟履约率>4% 2)SFCR商责取消率>2.5% 随着平台治...
答:任选其中一个仓库填写即可,发货的时候只需要回传Tracking number即可。 4、平台物流模式和商家自发货模式是否可以by order设置?即同时可以部分订单平台揽收,部分自发货? 答:不可以by order来设置。商家可以切换两种模式,只能二选一,一旦切换,整个店铺都是一个发货模式,且只对切换后产生的新增订单生效。
由于TikTok Shop是品牌在平台上面创建一个店铺,相比独立站可以运用多种站外渠道去获取流量来看,比较单一...
Find the order you want to track and click on “View Details.” Scroll to the “Logistics Information” section to view the delivery status and tracking information. You can also download the TikTok Shop tracking information in CSV format for your records. Final Order Status The delivery status...