TikTok Shop加强管理,严禁这些行为 TikTok Shop东南亚跨境发布最新通知,为营造具有吸引力的购物体验,培养创造力,禁止在直播和视频中使用非原创内容,禁止在直播时播放预录制内容。如果违反这些规则,TikTok Shop将对相关内容或账号施加处罚措施,屡次违规将面临更严重的处罚,相关处罚可能包括暂停电商权限(视违规严重程度而定)。
TikTok Shop东南亚跨境发布最新通知,为营造具有吸引力的购物体验,培养创造力,禁止在直播和视频中使用非原创内容,禁止在直播时播放预录制内容。如果违反这些规则,TikTok Shop将对相关内容或账号施加处罚措施,屡次违规将面临更严重的处罚,相关处罚可能包括暂停电商权限(视违规严重程度而定)。 1、非原创内容 非原创内容指任...
Please note that you need to process orders within 72 hours since the order is received, or your orders will be canceled by TikTok shop.If you select the Pickup option, you can schedule the pickup date and time range, it will trigger a pickup request to the logistics company, then ...
When you place an order on the TikTok shop, the seller will decide whether to send the order through standard economy shipping or through TikTok global shipping. Whichever way the seller decides to send it, you will receive updates on the current status of the orders, below are some of the...
TikTok Shop平台减少派送失败措施 C端节点触达 包裹进入到目的国派送阶段后,TikTok Shop平台会在物流节点"派送开始、到达待取、派送异常"触发给买家的站内信以及C端弹窗,以提醒买家及时关注包裹动态并主动获取包裹; 下单地址校验 用户下单时,TikTok Shop平台会对错误地址信息以及偏远不可达地址进行校验,从源头上减少地址...
TikTok Shop商家拆单发货需满足一个订单中包含超过一种SKU、订单的状态为待发货、订单中的所有SKU均既没有取消也没有申请取消等条件,当订单处于待处理发货的状态,卖家仍然可以对拆分的订单进行更改。本次我们将为各位商家讲解如何进行拆单发货! 一、订单拆包步骤 ...
TikTok ShopAdjust order fulfillment rules,Reduced assessment time to72hour To effectively enhance the shopping experience for Southeast Asian buyers,TikTok ShopPlanned in12Mid month adjustment of performance rules for cross-border direct shipping orders in Southeast Asia。Please prepare in advance, merchant...
The WooCommerce order page will show full order status, updates, and action needed for all of your TikTok Shop orders. We offer 2 ways of fulfilling orders. This depends on your shipping option set up in Seller Center 1) TikTok platform shipping: full shipping service provided by TikTok.We ...
Can stack TikTok shop coupons? No, you cannot stack multiple TikTok promo codes. Only one code may be used per order. What are the best TikTok sales? You can expect the best sales during certain promotional periods like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Valentine’s Day, and even Christmas. You...
TikTok Shop has taken significant steps to safeguard its users. For instance, potential sellers must fulfill specific criteria such as being at least 18 years old and possessing valid U.S. identification. Furthermore, sellers undergo a probation period during which their listing and order capacities...