TikTok affiliate marketing.Provide creators with unique discount codes or links to track the sales they generate. This allows for performance-based partnerships where creators earn commissions on successful conversions. Influencer campaign agreements.Arrange short-term collaborations where creators produce conte...
4月10日,TikTok发布了《美国TikTok Shop 2024年第二季度跨境商家激励政策》,针对商家在4月1日-6月30日的运营,进行“样品成本补贴”、“广告消耗返点”和“直播时长/GMV/打榜赛现金奖励”。 01样品成本补贴 业务动作要求: 单商品(PID维度)每月完成新合作达人至少100个,达成要求后,对前100个中N个未出单(GMV=0...
01样品成本补贴 业务动作要求: 单商品(PID维度)每月完成新合作达人至少100个,达成要求后,对前100个中N个未出单(GMV=0)的达人的部分,做N个样品成本补贴 (N≤100),N个样品每个样品补贴金额为政策结算月内商品的MinimumSKU Price after Discount平均值的50%; 新合作达人定义: 商家在当月前未进行合作过的达人,如...
这项政策降低了商家的前期风险,尤其对于单价较高的商品来说,具有重要意义。具体来说,单商品(PID维度)每月完成新人合作达人至少100个,达成要求后,对前100个中未出单(GMV=0)的达人的部分,做样品成本补贴,每个样品补贴金额为政策结算月内商品的Minimum SKU Price after Discount平均值的50%。 商业化返点 其次是商业...
After launching in the U.S. last fall, TikTok Shop’s sales event joins brick-and-mortar retailers in piggybacking off of Amazon’s Prime Day sales event. This year, Amazon will host its Prime Day sale on July 16 and July 17. Target, Walmart, Nordstrom and Best Buy rolled out similar...
4月10日,TikTok发布了《美国TikTok Shop 2024年第二季度跨境商家激励政策》,针对商家在4月1日-6月30日的运营,进行“样品成本补贴”、“广告消耗返点”和“直播时长/GMV/打榜赛现金奖励”。 01样品成本补贴 这一补贴将根据单个商品的成本来计算,商家可以直接获得现金形式的补贴,有效减轻了商家的经营成本。
Who doesn’t love a discount? Encourage people to come to your store by offering exclusive deals. Make any offers time-limited to create a sense of urgency and provide unique deals shoppers can’t get anywhere else. For instance, if you sell cosmetics, create a branded product bundle. 5....
2) 运费费用Shipping Fee(展示在账单明细右侧),是根据实际运费Actual Shipping Fee减去平台包邮费用Platform Shipping Fee Discount得到的。 即,Shipping fee 运费费用= Actual shipping fee - Platform shipping fee discount 其中,Actual Shipping Fee为实际运费,是根据物流服务商测量的实际重量计算得到。
TikTok is also looking to attract sellers with more traditional subsidies. According to reports, to encourage merchants to sell goods at a steep discount during the most recent Black Friday sales period, TikTok doled out subsidies to those merchants to mark down their prices by as much as 50%...
discount_fragrances 粉丝数:343 561 销量 $8419.98 销售额 带货商品更多 商品 销量 销售额 La Vida for Her. 100 ML 3.4 OZ. 美国 售价:$10.63 174 $2643.06 Valentine Milano for women by Fragrance Couture. 美国 售价:$13.60 100 $1360 La Vida Bella perfume for women. 美国 售价:$13.60 99 $13...